The way I see things

Archive for September, 2015

College at 50 am I mad?

So I decided to be selfish and do something for myself that perhaps may be construed as mad by some but which might hopefully give some others encouragement.
I decided to go to college and get myself educated in something other than the normal run of the mill stuff that’s taken for granted like plumbing or engineering or mechanics etc etc.
I chose the world of art as the next cog in the big (or small) world of so called “life”.
Only time will tell if I’ve chosen wisely but regardless of the outcome, I intend getting as much as possible out of this course.
BA in contemporary art
I hope to specialise in photography, print and paint but then again I won’t really know my chosen route until much further into the course. Perhaps I’ll prefer sculpture and ceramics?
Well all will be revealed in time to come and I hope to document my time here on this blog with regular updates and photos of my progression.
Regardless of any pre conceived notions, I am open and willing to embrace new ideas, techniques etc so let the journey begin.
